
Showing posts from April, 2017

A Real Life Spit Fire

If you knew it would be published, name someone (alive or dead) whose biography you would love to write. You would have full access to their life.  Sometimes, in this writing project, I don't even know how I am supposed to choose.  With full access to a person's life, and the willingness to really delve in, listen and create something as great as a story of their life to share with the world, how does one choose just one person?  I mean really, there's a whole world of these glorious humans that all have a story, and really, no one knows it.  No one knows it all except one person, and that's the absolute truth.  When more than one person knows your secret, more than one person knows your secret. I think, for the purpose of sentimentality today, I will leave the celebrity biographies to someone else, and stick to my own.  I have often thought about sitting with my granddad, asking him to tell me stories so I could chronicle them all on paper.  I hav...

Stick The Landing

Finish this sentence: " I would love to jump into a pile of..." I keep picturing this, over and over, thinking what I want to be beneath me when I land.  I can think of a hundred things I'd love to jump into - feathers, a big pile of quilts, pillows, leaves.  Everything thing that I can think of that I would I want  to jump into brings me the same emotion - nostalgic joy. Remember, as a kid, piling up quilts and pillows in a fort you'd spent hours building, then running and throwing yourself into them, just to settle with a sigh of contentment and wallowing in comfort, hoping no one would ever come ask you to move?  Or on a warm autumn night, when you've spent hours raking the yard into the most gigantic pile of leaves on the planet, and you line yourself up from the neighbor's yard, sprinting towards that pile of crunching, sweet smelling leaves, jumping in, giggling and laughing at the hours of work strewn across the lawn?  I remember raking for hours w...


Do you think dinosaurs and humans could co-exist today?  What would make it possible or impossible? Human ego is a dangerous thing.  I don't know what the great creator was thinking when he gave us ego.  Does it serve good?  Ever?  Human ego is responsible for all destruction, for all pieces of conflict, for all struggle.  Ego is responsible for poverty, greed, war, hatred, death and, I believe, will be responsible for the eradication of the human species as we know it. Do I think humans could ever peacefully co-exist with dinosaurs?  No.  There would always be some one who needed to kill it to prove how much more powerful they are than another species.  There will always be someone who needs to conquer it all.  Humans can barely co-exist on a planet with each other and with the creatures we are gifted with today.  It's a sad world we've grown to take advantage of. Beyond the human ego that would seek to kill for trophy, dinos...

On a Mission

Outline a "mission statement" for you life.  I've said a thousand times over.  "When I get to the end of my days, my hope is for someone (hopefully more than one someone) to say 'I am different because of her.  She had an affect on me and how I live'".  That is truly my mission.  Making a positive difference in someone's life. I have always been an advocate for things I am passionate about.  It comes naturally to me to be kind to other humans.  I try, on a daily basis to reach people, and sometimes that means tying a knot at the end of their rope so they can have something to hang on to.  That's why I write. It's why I always want to do more - help more, see more, do more. I write things for people in order to touch their soul.  Maybe it's something I've been through, worked through, trudged through.  Maybe it's something that gives me joy.  Maybe I had a need to share my tears, and my longings with someone who might unders...

Soled With Sass

Talk about your favorite pair of shoes and why you love them so much.   Hold on one second.  I have to choose ONE pair of favorite shoes.  One?  Look, it's not like I'm all Carrie Bradshaw about shoes... but sometimes I'm a little Carrie Bradshaw about boots. Shoes are shoes.  But boots... boots make the girl.  I'm going to be right back.  Wait here.  I have to show you something so you understand. (enter 15 minute time lapse here) Okay - I'm back, let's clarify. These are the boots I have in the house.  These are the boots I have out in the garage. I swear, every single pair has a story.  New boots are always welcome, and I am always sad when I decide to give up a pair boots.  The struggle is real. A select few of you may notice the red ones are gone.  It's true.  It was hard.  Let me tell the rest of you about the red boots.  I got them when I was 17.  They were $98.00 and t...

Remotely Controlled

Name something you wish you a remote control that currently does not.  To pause time, to hold onto moments just a little longer, freeze a smile just so you could look at it for as long as you wanted.  To replay joyous moments, to fast forward through the hard and ugly things that crush our souls.  To mute the words we don't want to hear, to adjust the volume according to our mood.  To switch channels with ease, and record our favorite things.  To turn it on when we want, and shut it off when we just can't take anymore... Life.   Wouldn't it be grand? I wonder though, how much we'd miss while we're busy looking back, or rewinding.  I wonder what would pass by while we are looking at what we might miss while it's on pause.  I wonder what we'd learn if we just could fast forward through everything that shapes who we are.  How much time would we spend trying to catch up to our own realities?  And how do we know when it's time to turn it...

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

If you found yourself in Oz, what would you do differently than Dorothy?  What an odd question.  When thinking about this, my initial answer was that I wouldn't ever be in Oz like Dorothy was because I'd have been smarter about the storm brewing outside, and I'd have been in the cellar long before the tornado could twist me up and land me in Oz, making the rest of the story irrelevant. But, alas, the question says I'm in Oz - sooooo.... I'm in Oz, I'm walking the Yellow Brick Road to get to Emerald City to meet the Wizard.  I meet the Tin man, the Scarecrow and the Lion, and claim them as friends. Hmmm... different? Nope.  Run into some munchkins, some winkies, beasts and witches.  Take advice from the munchkins, tame the beasts, and set the winkies free - yep, good stuff, nothing different here.  She kills the bad witches, and accepts help from the good witches and goes back home.  Sounds about right?  Stumped. My only thought is in ...

Finding Falkor

Name a fictional character or monster you love to have as a friend.  Why do you think they would be a good friend to you?  Oh, my fellow eighties kids... you know who this is, and you know you want him as your own.  In fact, many of you just smiled in nostaligc longing. "Falkor is very wise, incredibly optimistic, dignified and a very friendly sophisticated being from Fantasia. He gives advice to people when they have lost hope in many things they set out to do whether in a quest for what they seek or in some cases people and beings have given up altogether and lost faith. Falkor's attitude purely comes from his heart, it is proven that his openess to making friends means a lot to everyone he encounters, into which Falkor in return treasures every friendship he has. Falkor however never wants to make enemies, only those who are threats to his freinds or threats in general towards Fantasia itself". Well that fits the bill perfectly, now doesn't it? It took m...

Indulge Me

It's my blog, and can if I want.  Two questions in a row - because they are related, and I said so. If you could indulge in anything without consequence, what would it be?  Food. All of it.  Any of it. Anytime.  Food without consquence of gaining of weight.  Yes. I don't feel the need to elaborate.  It's pretty clear.  I love food.  Someone once told me your weight is on a scale of 85% of what you eat.  Dammit.  I can't unhear it, but most days, I just don't care.  I don't want to get to my last days and wish I had eaten the cupcake.  I always eat the cupcake. You have to design a cocktail or drink after yourself.  What ingredients are in it and what will you name it?  I've already done this many years ago, and it made it to the menu at a local restaurant in my hometown.  It's pink, it's pretty, it's sweet and fruity and gentle to throw back.   Dirty Shirley, with a sugared rim.     It's ...

Alien Abduction

An alien has just abducted you.  Give three reasons why it would send you back to Earth. Well this is a predicament.  Being abducted by an alien was never on my list of things to do. I have always been of the thinking that should aliens exist, their purpose for ever gracing the Earth wouldn't be with violent tendencies.  Their purpose would be to teach, to assist, to fix.  I truly believe a peaceful existence is possible, and I'm pretty sure aliens have figured that out.  In fact, I bet they figured it out loooooooooooooooooooooong ago, and have been watching us destroy the beautiful things they left behind for us to learn from.  The problem is - they could have never accounted for the capability of destruction the human ego could be responsible for.  Damn. So, in this theory of being abducted - why would they send me back to Earth?  First of all, understanding.  Why would they keep me when I would be but a small minority that wouldn't...

Rearing Rules

What one rule from your childhood do you not agree with now that you're an adult? Unreasonable childhood rules... I really tried to think of a time I stomped my feet or threw myself on the ground in protest of something I really found unreasonable.  It didn't happen.  First of all, if I ever attempted to throw myself on the ground, I would have had my ass tanned faster than I could protest. Second of all, I didn't grow up with unreasonable rules. Come home when you are asked, and we never had an unreasonable curfew.  I don't even remember having a curfew.  Keep yourself presentable.  Shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, wear appropriate clothing. Pretty simple.  Help when asked, and sometimes even when you aren't.  (Mom's "I shouldn't have to ask rule...")    Okay - side bar.  As a mom I get what she was thinking here.  If the sink is full of dishes - do them.  If the bathroom is unkempt - clean it.  We shou...

Scratch and Sniff Memories

Seriously - I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried... Create ten all-new funny scratch and sniff stickers. Describe the image and smell.  Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath.  Think of the thing that makes you smile when you smell it.  What was is?  Our senses are an amazing part of our human make-up aren't they?  But the sense of smell - it's different.  The olfactory sense connects with our memory, and can create a picture for us to see, and feel our feels, and hear things we've stored.  I once worked with a man who had lost his sense of smell, and in that, lost his sense of taste.  I was immediately saddened for him.  What a terrible thing to not be able to smell... Think of all the things you'd miss.  When I sat down to write this, I had actually misread the topic entirely - more than once.  I entirely missed the word "funny", and I sat, connecting myself to all the things that I would have missed if I lost my sense ...

Fortunate Thoughts

Write ten original thoughts that will be stuffed into fortune cookies for perfect strangers to read.  Forgiveness isn't your job, but moving forward is.  When waiting for a train, try not to get hit by a bus.  Lovers come and go, so do friends.  But you, you will always remain.  Get comfortable with yourself.  A good cup of tea has never fixed a thing, but it made the waiting warmer.  If you are keeping something a secret, that something must not sit right with your soul.  Fix that.  Walking away may always be easier, but the problem will remain at your heels.  When you know the cure for what ails you yet refuse to use it, the consequences are ultimately your own choice.  Defend your character to the ends of the Earth when you are standing in the truth of yourself and someone challenges your nature.  When you are trying to choose between your own happiness and someone else's, always choose your own.  Have your...

Involved In Our Device

Name one thing you wish your current cell phone did for you that it currently does not.  The cell phone - leader of our lives.  We are naked without it.  It holds our contacts, our tools, our calendars, our media, our pictures, our memories,  It holds our connections.  We text, we comment, we like.  We snap pictures, we schedule our appointments, we pay our bills.  We multi task, we play games, we record, we watch, we scroll. We have become involved in our device. We have become involved in our device.  What a statement.  Go ahead, toss that one around for a minute.  We become involved - we depend on, we need, we crave, we desire, we are fulfilled by... Our device. Our fix, our enabler, our mechanisms, our words, our tools, our vices.   We are dependent on this vice. I remember a time when I was young, and the summer was here.  The sun was shining and grass was beneath my running feat.  I was outside, my hands were f...

Waitin' On Someday

If you wrote a love song about your love life, what would the title be?  Write the first verse.  Waitin' On Someday When I was just a little girl, Sitting on his knee, My daddy told me of a prince who'd come, Who's smile would set me free. "Someday" he said, you'll be his, When the time is right, And I'll have to let go of my girl, Though my heart, it holds on tight. I grew up knowing the story well, And "Someday" came and went. Boys and men, loved and lost, All but had me spent. I've been Waitin' On Someday, Just tryin to find my way. Through all the grips of hell I know heartbreak all to well. I'm waitin' on Someday. I swore the day would never come where I'd find man like him, Kind and strong, Who's heart would long for a small town girl like me. And then he smiled, and strummed a song Singing "Someday she'll set me free". He was Waitin' On Someday, Just tryin to find ...

Fillin' Buckets

Name the top then things on your bucket list. Ahhh bucket lists.  The list of things you can look back on and wish you were brave enough to do.  Truthfully, I've always had one, and I was very proud every single time I cross something off.  My list used to be not so much one of things I wanted to do before I kicked the big bucket, but things I was afraid to do. A long time ago, I decided to start living my life very differently.  I don't ever want to look back at a list of things I didn't do, but instead, have a three hundred and sixty degree view of all the things I had accomplished.  I want my bucket to be full.  I want it to be running over the edges with blessings, lessons, laughter, and love. I want others to say "she filled my bucket" as well.  And in filling other's buckets, mine will never see the bottom. But alas, the question in the book today, is to name the things on my bucket list... So... Be kind. Even when it's hard.  Tel...