Finding Falkor

Name a fictional character or monster you love to have as a friend.  Why do you think they would be a good friend to you? 

Oh, my fellow eighties kids... you know who this is, and you know you want him as your own.  In fact, many of you just smiled in nostaligc longing.

"Falkor is very wise, incredibly optimistic, dignified and a very friendly sophisticated being from Fantasia. He gives advice to people when they have lost hope in many things they set out to do whether in a quest for what they seek or in some cases people and beings have given up altogether and lost faith. Falkor's attitude purely comes from his heart, it is proven that his openess to making friends means a lot to everyone he encounters, into which Falkor in return treasures every friendship he has. Falkor however never wants to make enemies, only those who are threats to his freinds or threats in general towards Fantasia itself".

Well that fits the bill perfectly, now doesn't it? It took me a long time to come up with this one.  I sat down and defined the kind of friend I'd let into my space. Who would I want in my life for the rest of my days? A dreamer.  A doer.  Someone protective and honest.  Kind, considerate, adventurous, full of laughter and love.  Someone to sit up with until the wee hours of the morning talking about everything under the sun - someone who's not afraid to share their soul space.  Someone who's done their soul work.   Someone wise yet thirsts for learning.  Someone who knows how to sit in the quiet when tears are falling, not needing to fill empty spaces, and someone who can belly laugh and find joy in simple things.  A friend who doesn't need gossip, vices or false pretenses to just be, Somoeone who can be with me at my worst, and shine with me at my best.  It's the perfect companion...

I'm pretty sure I just described my dog if she could talk - and then it hit me. Falkor.  A dog - that talks, and is part dragon (and oh I love a good dragon)!  He can fly - he's forty three feet long and can carry you as his passenger!  He's kind, and wise, and likes to cuddle.  He doesn't ever seek out enemies and has faith that people who have lost hope will find their way.  Some might call him a monster - he doens't fit in the traditional box of what people see as a friend, and often people don't like what's different from the norm.  I wish more people looked beyond the "monsters" to find the treasures in their journeys.

I'm pretty sure I've been someone's monster, and honestly, I think I've had my fill of fictional people in my life - but I'd be elated to have Falcor on my side.  That's my Neverending Story.


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