Soled With Sass
Talk about your favorite pair of shoes and why you love them so much.
Hold on one second. I have to choose ONE pair of favorite shoes. One? Look, it's not like I'm all Carrie Bradshaw about shoes... but sometimes I'm a little Carrie Bradshaw about boots. Shoes are shoes. But boots... boots make the girl.
I'm going to be right back. Wait here. I have to show you something so you understand.
(enter 15 minute time lapse here)
Okay - I'm back, let's clarify.
Hold on one second. I have to choose ONE pair of favorite shoes. One? Look, it's not like I'm all Carrie Bradshaw about shoes... but sometimes I'm a little Carrie Bradshaw about boots. Shoes are shoes. But boots... boots make the girl.
I'm going to be right back. Wait here. I have to show you something so you understand.
(enter 15 minute time lapse here)
Okay - I'm back, let's clarify.
These are the boots I have in the house.
These are the boots I have out in the garage.
I swear, every single pair has a story.
New boots are always welcome, and I am always sad when I decide to give up a pair boots. The struggle is real. A select few of you may notice the red ones are gone. It's true. It was hard.
Let me tell the rest of you about the red boots. I got them when I was 17. They were $98.00 and the most I had EVER paid for footwear. They were roper boots, no laces. They fit perfectly. Like a glove - for feet. And they were red.
I told you they were red.
And they made me feel glorious. They were my favorite. They were the boots that went with the perfect pair of jeans and a white t-shirt on good hair days. You know. They were the boots that danced. They even learned to six-step. They have seen more bar room floors and late nights than Steven Tyler. (okay, maybe not quite that many). They always got noticed. They always got asked to dance. I'm sure they were stitched together with perfume and bravery and soled with cockiness and sass. I loved my red boots. They were perfectly worn with a history. And then the day came when they reminded me more of my past than my future. I boxed them away because I heard someone else's opinion of them and I decided it mattered. *sigh*
I've owned a lot of boots. A few pair came close to owning that feeling. I promise to keep trying to find the perfect pair, though. I saw them once in Tombstone and didn't buy them. Silly girl.
And so the chase began. Stitched with perfume and sass. They will be mine.
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