I Wish You Love

 If love could talk, what would it say? 

Oh, but doesn't it?  If love could talk? Love talks. Love is loud and it is silent.  Love speaks in every language, and has no boundaries. Love sounds like everything that makes you smile, but also all the things that make you cry. 

What would love say... 

 You are beautiful.

I miss you.

Have you eaten?

Drive safe.

Are you okay?

I am worried about you.

Did you sleep well?

Don't go. 

You can have mine... 

I love you. 

Love speaks in touch, in smiles, and in tears. It speaks in moments and memories and in the soft light of morning. It breaks silence in the dark, it holds fear in it's hands. Love warns, it cheers, it hopes. It is patient, and impatient. It's excitable and calming. It speaks a hundred words a minute, or just one. Love is omnipotent and ignorant, brilliant and foolish. It is hard and it is gentle. It is new and it is old. 

You are beautiful. 

I miss you. 

I love you. 

Don't go. 

I wish you love. I hope you are whole. 


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