Name one thing you wish your current cell phone did for you that it currently does not. The cell phone - leader of our lives. We are naked without it. It holds our contacts, our tools, our calendars, our media, our pictures, our memories, It holds our connections. We text, we comment, we like. We snap pictures, we schedule our appointments, we pay our bills. We multi task, we play games, we record, we watch, we scroll. We have become involved in our device. We have become involved in our device. What a statement. Go ahead, toss that one around for a minute. We become involved - we depend on, we need, we crave, we desire, we are fulfilled by... Our device. Our fix, our enabler, our mechanisms, our words, our tools, our vices. We are dependent on this vice. I remember a time when I was young, and the summer was here. The sun was shining and grass was beneath my running feat. I was outside, my hands were f...
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