
Showing posts from September, 2017

Lighting Up The Darkness

Explain lightening to a five year old.  Sometimes, we find ourselves watching a storm.  Clouds roll in, and skies go dark.  Some people, they run for cover.  They hide inside. But those people are missing it all.  They are missing it all!  You see, my sweet, lightening is powerful.  It can light up the darkest places. Think of the darkest place you can.  If there's just one little crack in that whole place, lightening can get in and fill all those dark spaces with the most powerful light.  It's the heavens reaching down to the things that are standing the tallest!  It crashes to Earth with electric power.  It makes it statement and forces the Earth to absorb it's voice. Now, I wouldn't recommend you go out and stand in it's immediate path.  It's wicked and fierce, and it has the power to stop your heart and change your life.  I'm just saying that I never want you to be afraid of powerful light that comes with an imba...

Put Me Back

An alien has just abducted you.  Give it three reasons why it would send you back to Earth.  1.  Love - I just found mine, and it's finally my turn. Put me back. 2.  Defiance - I don't do well with being told what to do.  So, if that's the plan, this won't go well.  Put me back. 3.  Ever tried to get in between a momma bear and her cubs?  You better run. Put me back.